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St Mary's Catholic Primary School, Isleworth

Why Join Us?

Why Join Us?

There are many reasons why St Mary's Catholic Primary School, Isleworth is unique. Here are just a few:

 At St Mary’s, we pride ourselves on providing a high standard of education alongside enriching experiences and outstanding pastoral care that focuses on pupils’ mental health and wellbeing.

 We are forward-thinking, innovative and ambitious in our holistic approach, constantly reflecting on our practice.

 Our creative and innovative curriculum is designed to develop curiosity in the world around us, ignite passion for learning and fire ambition to inspire every child to realise and exceed expectations.

 We believe that every pupil should be equipped for today, tomorrow and their future lives, acquiring innovative skills, fostering key values and attributes, and developing a deep knowledge and understanding.

 Pupils are challenged but also nurtured by an experienced team of passionate staff, encouraging them to stretch and grow and helping them to discover their individual strengths and unique talents.

 St Mary’s is a place where children, staff, families, governors and the local community are valued; and all work together to ensure that children are challenged academically, inspired creatively and supported and fostered in their emotional development.

 We pride ourselves on our outstanding early years unit, where children’s learning is based on exploration and play which is tailored to their needs and interests, encompassing a personalised approach.