For many years a very successful Parent Teacher Association ran at St Mary's. In recent times this has been on hiatus. Over the course of the next few months (ready for the autumn term) we want to relaunch and rename this association. We are proposing that the PTA is renamed as the Friends of St Mary's Isleworth (FOSMI). Our aim is that the Friends of St Mary's Isleworth will play a key role in supporting the school through fundraising and volunteering valuable time. FOSMI will also provide opportunities for parents to meet together and socialise. The current PTA is registered with the charity commission and operates with the current constitution, which was adopted in November 2012, and for the time being we are not proposing to change any of these points (1-26). If you are interested in being part of this exciting relaunch please read the information on this page and respond via the link below.
1. The name of the Association shall be St Mary’s PTA (but it will be known as FOSMI standing for Friends of St Mary's Isleworth).
2. The object of the Association is to advance the education of pupils in the school. In furtherance of this object the association may:
a. Develop more extended relationships between the staff, parents and others associated with the school.
b. Engage in activities which support the school and advance the education of pupils attending it.
c. Provide and assist in the provision of such facilities or items for education at the school (not provided from statutory funds) as the committee in consultation with the Governing Body shall from time to time determine.
3. The Association shall by non party-political and non-sectarian.
4. The Association shall take out Public Liability and Personal Accident Insurance to cover its meetings, activities, Officers and Committee where required.
5. The Association may appoint a President.
6. The names of the Vice-Presidents shall be submitted at the Annual General Meeting (these are usually the people the Association wishes to honour).
7. Membership shall consist of all parents and/or guardians of pupils attending the school and all teachers at the school.
8. The management of Association shall be vested in a Committee consisting of the following Officers: Chair, Vice-Chair, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer together with all class representatives.
9. The Officers and Committee shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting and shall serve until the commencement of the next Annual General Meeting.
10. Four members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum.
11. The Committee shall have the power to co-opt a maximum of ten additional members.
12. The Committee may appoint sub-committees, as it deems necessary and shall prescribe their function provided that all acts and proceeding of any such sub-committee shall be reported to the Committee as soon as possible and provided further that no such sub-committee shall expend funds of the Association otherwise than in accordance with a budget agreed by the Committee.
13. Committee meetings shall be held at least once each term.
14. The Annual General Meeting shall be held in the Autumn term each year. At the Annual General Meeting, the chair shall be taken by the Chair or in his/her absence the Vice-Chair of the Committee.
15. Nominations shall be proposed and seconded by members and should have the consent of the nominee. Nominations may be made at any time prior to the commencement of the Annual General Meeting.
16. The Committee may fill casual vacancies by cooption until the next Annual General Meeting.
17. In addition to any requirements of the Charity Commission, the accounts and books shall be reviewed by a suitably competent independent
18. Special General Meetings may be called at the written request of a minimum of 25 members.
19. Thirty days notice in writing shall be given of any Special General Meeting to all members of the Association.
20. The Honorary Treasurer shall be responsible for keeping account of all Income and Expenditure and shall present a Financial report to all Committee meetings, and shall present the accounts duly reviewed for approval by the members at the AGM.
21. Bank accounts shall be operated in the name of the Association and withdrawals shall be made on the signature of any two of the Officers of the Association.
22. The financial year shall commence on 1 August each year.
23. Any matter not provided for in the constitution and concerning the organisation and activities of the Association shall be dealt with by the Committee whose decision shall be final, subject to the provisions of Clause 24.
24. The Governing Body of the school shall have the right to review and alter any decision of the Association.
25. No alteration to this constitution may be made except at the Annual General Meeting or a Special General Meeting called for this purpose. No
amendments or alterations shall be made without the prior written permission of the Charity Commission to Clauses 2, 25 and 26 and no alteration shall be made which could cause the Association to cease to be a charity in law. Alterations to the constitution shall receive the
assent of two-thirds of the members present and voting at an Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting.
26. The Association may be dissolved by a resolution presented at a Special General Meeting called for this purpose. The resolution must have the assent of two-thirds of those present and voting. Such resolution may give instructions for the disposal of any assets remaining after satisfying any outstanding debts and liabilities. These assets shall not be distributed among the members of the Association but will be given to the school for the benefit of the children of the school, or in the event of a school closure to the school to which the majority of the children in the closing school will go, in any manner which is exclusively charitable in law. If effect cannot be given to this provision then the assets can be given to some other charitable purpose.
If you would like to join FOSMI or be part of the organising committee (or would like to send us any ideas, thoughts or help out at any time) please email with 'FOSMI' in the subject line.