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St Mary's Catholic Primary School, Isleworth



Catholic Schools Inspection 2024

The report commends our school for the overall quality of Catholic education provided, rating it as
'Good' across all key areas, including Catholic Life and Mission, Religious Education, and Collective

Here are some of the key strengths highlighted in the report:

• Positive Role Models: Our staff are recognised as positive role models who are committed to
implementing the mission statement and encouraging pupils to follow Jesus' teachings.

• Pupil Behavior: The behaviour of our pupils is consistently good, both in classrooms and
outside, where they show care and consideration for each other.

• Catholic Character Development: The wide range of pupil leadership responsibilities
provided by the school enhances the Catholic character development of our pupils.

• Engagement in Prayer and Liturgy: Pupils respond well to prayer and liturgy, which are
integral to the school day, and they enjoy leading prayer and acting as good role models for
younger pupils.

• Active Participation: Pupils actively engage with opportunities to develop the Catholic life and
mission of the school.

The report also acknowledges the strong partnerships we have with parents, evidenced by the recent
relaunch of the Parent-Teacher Association, Friends of St Mary's Isleworth (FOSMI). This
collaboration further supports our school's mission and enhances the sense of community.

CSI Report 2024

Ofsted 2022

We are delighted to share our recent Ofsted result. The report is glowing in every sense of the word and we ‘continue to be a good school’.

Some of our highlights:

Pupils: Our children not only enjoy coming to school, but they also feel happy and safe, they interact with adults and other pupils with warmth and confidence and are grateful to be a part of the ‘St Mary’s family’. Pupils are polite, kind, and respectful towards adults and each other. 

Adults: Our adults have high expectations of pupils and help them to differentiate between right and wrong and pupils are supported to make the correct choices in their behaviour. 

Staff: Our staff are ambitious for pupils and our young people relish the challenge they receive from teachers. Pupils are also well prepared for the next stage in their education. 

Leaders: Our leaders create many opportunities for pupils to develop their leadership skills. Leaders have put in place a well-thought-out curriculum and it is carefully ordered and ambitious. 

Teaching and learning: Teachers introduce learning in a clear way and make sure that pupils build on prior learning. Pupils participate actively in lessons; they collaborate well with others and disruptions are rare.

Safeguarding: The arrangements for safeguarding are effective with a staff member quoted as capturing the culture accurately by saying: ‘Everyone at St Mary’s Primary School has safeguarding on their minds, all the time.’

To read our Ofsted short inspection report, 2022, please click the link below:

St Mary's Ofsted June 2022

Ofsted 2017

Our school underwent a short Ofsted inspection in April 2017 and we are delighted to announce that our school continues to be ‘Good’.

Inspectors were particularly impressed with the following areas, highlighting them as strengths and offering comments of praise:

  • Pupils make good progress.
  • Pupils are a credit to the school.
  • Pupils are confident learners, understand the school’s expectations of good behaviour and remain focused on their learning. They love coming to school and enjoy their learning.
  • You are a reflective and inspirational leader who has a clear insight into the school’s strengths and weaknesses. As a result, you and your leadership team have ensured that teaching has remained good over time.
  • Children leave the early years foundation stage well prepared for their learning in Key Stage 1.

To read our Ofsted short inspection report, 2017, please click the link below:

Ofsted Report 2017

To read our Ofsted full inspection report, 2012, please click the link below:

Ofsted Report 2012

Section-48 Report

Our latest Section-48 rating is Good.

The Diocese inspection was carried out in 2018 under Section 48 of the Education Act 2005. We are delighted with the outcomes and are now on the journey to becoming an Outstanding school for RE, Catholic Life and Collective Worship. 

Comments of praise included:

  • Pupils are articulate, polite and eager to share their work.
  • The school’s commitment to the Common Good and social justice is good. There is a sense of community in the school that the pupils are keen to share.
  • The headteacher together with the senior leaders, RE leader and governing body are fully committed to the Catholic mission of education.
  • There is an obvious effort to make the Gospel relevant and real in the lives of pupils, staff and parents.
  • The governing body shares in the strategic leadership of the school with energy and dedication.
  • The behaviour of the pupils at all times is of the very highest standards and this reflects very well on the leadership and management displayed by members of staff in this school.

To read our latest Section-48 report, please click the link below:

St Mary's Catholic Primary School

To read our OFSTED Primary Inspection Data Summary Report 2021, please click the link below:

Ofsted Primary Inspection Data Summary Report 2021

 To read our School Financial information click here.