Weekly update for 5th July 2024
Almighty God, the source of all wisdom, give grace to us all and bless with your spirit of humility and charity all who have been be elected to public office especially our new Prime Minster Sir Keir Starmer.
Make your kingdom of love visible among us, and make all things subject to your just and gentle rule, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Hope does not disappoint”, the Pope said: “Everyone knows what it is to hope. In the heart of each person, hope dwells as the desire and expectation of good things to come, despite our not knowing what the future may bring.
“Even so, uncertainty about the future may at times give rise to conflicting feelings, ranging from confident trust to apprehensiveness, from serenity to anxiety, from firm conviction to hesitation and doubt. Often we come across people who are discouraged, pessimistic and cynical about the future, as if nothing could possibly bring them happiness. For all of us, may the Jubilee be an opportunity to be renewed in hope.”
Hounslow Summer Reading Challenge
This year’s Summer Reading Challenge 2024 aims to combine your creativity with your love of reading.
Your challenge is to read 6 books, of your choice, novel or poetry or non-fiction, anything you like to read, over the 6 week Summer holidays.
• Go along to your nearest library
• Choose your 6 or more books to read each week
• Collect sets of stickers as you go along and add them to your poster
• Complete the challenge to receive prizes, including bendy pencils, popper keyrings and badges … and enter the FREE prize draw to win a Kindle!
• All 11 Hounslow libraries are running craft activities throughout the holidays, including origami. … and it’s all FREE!
summer reading challenge flier 2024 for parents and schools.pdf
Walk to School
Congratulations to Year 3 Ipswich, who were our WOW Walk to School Challenge winners for June!
Year 6 Leavers' Fair
On the afternoon of 11th July Year 6 will be running the Leavers Fair. We will have a range of fun stalls for everyone at St. Mary’s to enjoy.
Every child will have the opportunity to visit during the school afternoon. Please bring in £5 in small change to take part in some stalls. All money raised goes towards next year’s Year 6 Leaver Activities.
Attendance and Lateness
Well done to children in Rome, Ipswich, Westminster, Cardigan, Knock, Doncaster, Lourdes and Walsingham!
From September we will be reintroducing the termly badges for 100% attendance. These will be awarded each term (autumn, spring and summer) as a bar badge. Any children achieving 100% attendance across all terms will receive an additional shield badge.
Parking Outside of School
Thank you for your support in changing how you get to school. Over recent days the car park outside of school and the road have been much calmer and safer. Thank you for walking, cycling and scooting to school instead of driving. Moving forwards we have another meeting (the 4th) in recent times with the council to look at the issue before the end of term. I and local traffic wardens will maintain a presence outside of school until the end of this term.
Year 1-6 Sports Day at Redlees Park
Our main sports day will take place at Redlees next Friday 12th July. Click here for more information: