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St Mary's Catholic Primary School, Isleworth

Weekly Update for Friday 13th September The Exaltation of the Cross

Weekly Update for Friday 13th September - The Exaltation of the Cross

We adore You, O Christ, and we praise You, because by Your holy cross, You have redeemed the world. 

St Francis of Assisi 

Autumn Term Curriculum Maps 

Our termly curriculum maps tell you what the children are learning week by week.  Use them in conjunction with the Learning at Home activities.

nursery curriculum map autumn 2024.pdf


reception curriculum map autumn 2024.pdf


year 1 curriculum map autumn 1 2024.pdf


year 2 curriculum map autumn 1 2024.pdf


year 3 curriculum map autumn 1 2024.pdf


year 4 curriculum map autumn 1 2024.pdf


year 5 curriculum map autumn 1 2024.pdf


year 6 curriculum map autumn 1 2024.pdf


Autumn Term Class Newsletters 2024

Our term class newsletters give you lots of information about what's happening in each year group each term.

You can read the new autumn term ones by clicking here.


Maths Band Battle on Times Table Rockstars

On week 5 of this half-term students will take part in the ‘St. Marys Maths Bands battle’. This means that they will have the chance to show off their Maths skills on Times Table Rockstars. Every correct answer they give on any multiplication or division game they play will win their class points. The class with the most points by the end of the week will win the Maths bands battle! This class will also win an ‘own clothes day’ for the whole class. The competition will run from 30th September to the 6th October 2024. Good luck everyone and keep rocking at those Times Tables.


WOW - The Walk to School Challenge 2024 – 2025

This year, St Mary’s will continue to participate in the WOW Walk to School Challenge. This year’s theme, 'Walk with imagination' invites pupils to stretch their creativity, asking them to imagine a different walk to school.

Each morning, pupils will record their journeys to school and will be rewarded with a badge for at least one active travel method to school, every week.

From soaring through the skies like an eagle to exploring the depths of the ocean, we want to inspire pupils to dream big while learning and embracing the many wonders of walking to school.

Walking, scooting, cycling, taking the bus, as well as parking and striding all count as an active journey. Click the link below to help plan your route to school: https://tfl.gov.uk/plan-a-journey/


Curriculum Meetings - meet the teachers
Come and meet the teachers teaching your child this year, hear about their learning, the trips planned, the expectations and then see them in their classrooms. We will start in the main hall and then move into classrooms on these dates:

Year 1: Tuesday 1st Oct 9.00am
Year 2: Tuesday 17th Sept 9.00am
Year 3: Tuesday 1st Oct 2.00pm
Year 4: Tuesday 17th Sept 2.00pm
Year 5: Wednesday 2nd Oct 2.00pm
Year 6: Wednesday 2nd Oct 9.00pm


Youth Mental Health Day #ControlYourScroll 19th September

Youth Mental Health Day seeks to start a conversation among young people about ways to

improve mental health.

It seeks to dispel the stigma associated with mental health and to offer hope and positivity.  


#ControlYourScroll is the theme for Youth Mental Health Day 2024, which aims to provide young people with simple digital skills and mental health strategies for a positive and safe online experience.


There are many benefits that the online world offers including the ability to express creativity, maintain constant connections with peers, and quickly access entertainment and information. In a survey of 1,025 youth, 93% stated to have experienced anxiety due to online content.

Concerns around misinformation, fake news and disinformation rated highest 59%, followed by online fraud and scams 58%, cyberbullying 52% and sharing of sexual images 39%. (Stem4 Survey)

The online world has a lot of hidden risks that young people were not exposed to a decade





Chat Health - young people in Hounslow can text a school nurse for advice and support: 07507 333176


About Asthma Week 2024

askaboutasthma week poster 9 15 sep.pdf

 Attendance and Lateness

In August the law around school attendance changed. We work closely with the local authority to support good attendance and to challenge when attendance needs to improve. You can read the new regulations here and help by making sure your child is in school everyday. 

 Well done to children in Doncaster, Westminster, Willesden and Częstochowa! Remember that from 1st September we are reintroducing the termly 100% attendance badges and if children received 100% badges for all three terms they will also be awarded a 100% shield badge.


World Car Free Day 2024

World Car Free Day is going to be celebrated around the world annually, on Sunday 22nd September. The event encourages drivers to give up their cars for the day and, in some cities, organised activities take place to celebrate streets that are normally dominated by cars.

The Mayor of London wishes to mark World Car Free Day in 2024 through the activation of play streets across London. These events will involve the closure of residential roads to vehicular traffic, creating safe spaces for children to play freely on their local roads and new opportunities for people of all ages to walk, cycle, and build meaningful relationships in their local community.

In line with the Mayor’s Transport Strategy, London Environment Strategy and London Health Inequalities Strategy, this event will promote a reduction in car use, road danger and air pollution and improvements to mental and physical health.

The links below provide further information, as to how you can be part of this day:




Have a lovely weekend everyone!  Let's hope the sunshine lasts!