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St Mary's Catholic Primary School, Isleworth



Curriculum Statement

At St Mary’s, we deliver a well-sequenced curriculum which is broad and balanced and meets the needs of all learners.

Children are able to learn and retain knowledge because our curriculum is mapped out for learning to happen over time.  It is designed to support children’s natural curiosity and their acquisition of knowledge.  Children work in depth and are given time to master learning.

Our curriculum develops the whole person – mind, body and spirit.  Personal development is embedded so that our children grow up happy and healthy and in relationship with God who made us, saved us and sustains us.  It develops children’s confidence, enhancing their ability to learn, helping them to grow up to become responsible adults who will contribute to society in a positive way, understanding the Common Good and building the Kingdom of God.

It engages children with their learning, it challenges them to think for themselves. It's relevant to our children, open to change and modification, so that it meets the needs of our community.  For instance, there is time for children to consider current and real world issues.

You can see our termly Curriculum Maps here.

For the termly Class Newsletters click here.

For our yearly Subject Overviews look here and for reports on the progress of our curriculum click here.

For timetables (these are subject to variation and change) click here.

Click here for resources and information about Black History Month. 

It is based on the key concepts and principles of the Gospel:

  • “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of heaven” Faithfulness & Integrity
  • “Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted” Dignity & Compassion
  • “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth” Humility & Gentleness
  • “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied” Truth & Justice
  • “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy” Forgiveness & Mercy
  • “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God” Purity & Holiness
  • “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God” Empathy & Peace
  • “Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when they insult you and persecute you and utter every kind of slander against you because of me. Be glad and rejoice for your reward is great in heaven; they persecuted the prophets before you in the very same way” Service & Sacrifice

These Gospel Values are lived out through our aims and vision statement. 

Our curriculum delivers the ‘National Curriculum 2014’ in a sequenced way and is further informed by the five outcomes of the ’Every Child Matters’ which we think speak about what children need for life in our world.

1). Be healthy (including physical and mental wellbeing)

2). Stay safe (including online)

3). Enjoy and achieve

4). Make a positive contribution

5). Achieve economic well-being

It is organised into 6 key driver areas:

1). Spirituality - RE ; prayer; worship; catholicity, reflection; meditation; Gospel Values and behaviour; the Common Good.

2). Enterprise - Science, whole school skills based learning; Enabling Enterprise lead; Building Better Learners champion. Enterprise skills across the curriculum; Enterprise in the broader sense as well as co-ordinating the Enabling Enterprise work.  Independent learning; resilience and philosophy for children. 

3).Knowledge of the World - History, Geography and Computing; fair trade and eco awareness.  School Travel Plan and Walking to School.

4). Enquiry - DT; maths ; open ended tasks; higher order thinking; independent learning; depth and mastery.

5). Emotional wellbeing, health and sport – PE and Sport; PSE; Relationships, Learning to respect; citizenship and British values.

6). The Arts – English, Music, Art, Drama and MFL; Culture; festivals.

Each of these Key Driver Areas (and EYFS) has a dedicated Middle Leader.  Our Middle Leaders are the engine room of the school, they turn the schools curriculum aspirations into outstanding classroom practice on a daily basis.

Its 'What, Why and How' are:

1). What do we want our children to learn?

a. We teach the Religious Education Curriculum Directory and The National Curriculum.

b. Our curriculum is designed for Catholic Christian children living in West London. It is infused with Catholic Social Teaching and links to London.

c. We intend our children to have knowledge and skills in all of the subjects. They master the key skills of reading, writing and number.


2). Why are we teaching it?

a. Children will leave us being able to read and to have a love of reading.

b. We want children to be religiously literate and be experienced in planning liturgies and knowing what it means to be in relationship with God.

c. We prepare the whole child for the next stage of their education so that they can be successful at secondary school and make a positive contribution to society.

3). How are we teaching it?

a. Having a sound understanding of what children have previously learned, teachers talk about prior learning allowing children to make connections with other areas of the curriculum and between subjects.

b. Our curriculum (units of work) builds on prior knowledge which allows our children to retain their learning long term.


It achieves:

Curriculum creativity, enabling pupils and staff to develop opportunities to nurture their own creativity by:

  • encouraging imagination and originality
  • making time for them to reflect critically
  • allowing space for thinking and choice
  • giving freedom to fail with the confidence to try again.

A culture of collaboration, ensuring an effective and creative learning culture by:

  • sharing values and ethos with the whole school community
  • promoting the importance of talk and collaboration in consolidating learning
  • ensuring everyone has the opportunity to learn from others
  • promoting teamwork.

Cognitive approaches, promoting a creative learning experience in each classroom by:

  • allowing teachers to develop their own teaching styles and confidence in knowing what will make a difference for their children and have the biggest impact.
  • understanding that learning takes place over time
  • design tasks and activities that allow information to be retained in long term memory
  • promoting the importance of learning across the curriculum
  • encouraging teachers to make children active partners in their learning; and structure tasks to allow teaching for mastery.

A real commitment to the community, forging creative links between the parents, parish and school by:

  • promoting the importance of dynamic partnership
  • involving parents and carers at every opportunity
  • giving children and families time to be involved in after school clubs and evening activities, including sports, music, language and culture and those connected with the Parishes and Scouting organisations, by having realistic expectations of homework.
  • focusing on the importance of the learning environment in both physical and health/wellbeing terms.
  • extending involvement into the local community and beyond.

Child- centredness, celebrating the centrality of the children in the school by:

  • promoting the personal, social, health and spiritual aspects of the curriculum embedded in all that we to do.
  • promoting a culture where children are able to evaluate their learning and know their next steps so that they can effectively choose their own level of challenge (Ready, Steady, Go)
  • encouraging teachers to develop each child’s confidence, resilience, self-discipline and understanding of their learning through our 3/4 Bs.
  • encouraging teachers to make learning vivid, real and meaningful.

Each subject contains key concepts – which are developed across the years in order that children excel in that subject. These concepts run throughout the entirety of a child’s time with us from Early Years until the end of Year 6 and into Year 7.  There is continuity for our children with clear stages of progression from one year to the next.

Through these key concepts we achieve progression and continuity of our curriculum ensuring mastery and depth of understanding for all children.